Review of Brother

Brother (II) (2000)
Excellent short, the third of three shorts in a series by Adam Elliot
10 July 2014
Warning: Spoilers
This is the last short in Adam Elliot's set of shorts about members of his family. There will be spoilers ahead:

This is perhaps the saddest and oddest of the three shorts by Adam Elliot as he relates stories about his family. He has a quadriplegic father, an asthmatic older brother with a lazy eye and an over-burdened mother.

The bulk of the short concerns Elliot's brother, who is an odd child with more than his fair share of problems. In addition to his asthma and eye problem, he has lice and is laughed at in school for his pains. The two brothers do the typical things most brothers do.

This short is somewhat more odd and disturbing than Cousin or Uncle. We meet the neighbor with hydrocephaly, who has a quirky view of just who will wind up in Hell, his brother's best friend in school and an interesting bully. The end of the short is incredibly sad and typically twisted at the same time.

This short is available on the Harvie Krumpet DVD as well as being a part of The Animation Show, Volume1. This short and both DVDs are most recommended.
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