Being Human (2011–2014)
Watch it, in the end you'll be glad you did
12 July 2014
I have to say that Being Human took time to grow on me and at times I felt I was being led down a path that would leave me sorry I had wasted my time watching the show. I read this sentiment in many reviews articulated in various ways, but the bottom line is Being Human is a very good show, however it isn't until its over that you truly appreciate the show for what it was and is because the end is not sloppy, hacked, or rushed. It simply brings a lot more meaning to the previous seasons and makes you appreciate the whole show a great deal more. At that final place is when you truly engage all that the show brought you through and makes you appreciate the idea behind the story and realize it is much more than you thought while on the ride.

Season 4 of Being Human was the best season of the series without question. The peculiar thing is that I believe it was the best season because it was the last season and the really big questions that this show presents in terms of our main characters can't be answered until the show ends. The other seasons gets us to know the characters, vested in them and the story, and took the viewer to the point of a unique interest in a world of monsters trying to retain what they could of their humanity while by their nature made it impossible to obtain anything but frustration and heartache. But season 4 didn't just bring the story to a close, it took us back through the story with a perspective of how things could have been much different but for the groups will to make them different and appreciate the first 3 seasons a great deal more in the process of taking the characters to a place that I couldn't have imagined in the beginning.

Interestingly after seeing it all I realize they could have made the series longer, but to make it maintain its overall quality the only way they could have done that would have been by making what is season 4 the last set of episodes (or 75% of them) the final season however they wove the story in any other seasons. But given the nature of shows like this that teeter on the edge of being renewed each year there isn't the security to allow the writers to do that. So given the unknown faced with writing each season I have to say that season 4 made my opinion of the writing go up a great deal as it was the best by far and brought a somewhat uneven story come together in a way such that I enjoyed the final episodes far more than I ever would have thought. There are some oddities that bothered me throughout the series that the end made the trip very worth the effort, and a wonderful ending that left me surprised in a day and age when shows rarely surprise me in a positive way. Season 4 makes the whole series better and I'm certain had they figured out a way to work that sort of intensity and emotion into the other seasons would lave made Being Human a more popular, longer running show. But as it is, I'm simply glad I got a chance to enjoy it.
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