The Woman (I) (2011)
Ketchum and Kill 'em or "The Girl Next Door" (2007) Revisted
13 July 2014
Warning: Spoilers
What The Woman was trying to get across is beyond me. What begins as a relatively interesting plot, advances very slowly with horrible soundtrack choices, awkward acting, and ends in a confusing and unsatisfying way.

While I respect originality, I found none of it here. Sean Bridgers acting reminded me of Will Ferrel, only serious. The story of removing someone living in a primitive way and into society is nothing new. It could be Pocahontas, or Nell (1994) or a number of others. Just take sense out of the equation and you get The Woman.

Ketchum seems to have a fetish with tying up women and then abusing them. He already made "The Girl Next Door" (2007) and it seems as though he's looking to repeat that success, if you wish to call it such. I believe he's trying to make it come across as something feminist but beyond the patriarchal lifestyle there isn't much here that's revealing anything interesting and again, new.

The music is rather unnecessary and fails to invoke any sort emotion other than annoyance at having to turn the volume down after turning it up to listen to whispered lines that don't meet any sort of quality acting standards themselves. This leads to a number of scenes that slow to a crawl and made me feel as though I were watching an angsty music video. The music just did not fit.

After an hour in, I felt it had been much longer. There aren't any characters to root for except the teenage girl but she only succeeds in making you sympathetic before making some odd choices that force you to question her all over. There was a development of the teacher's character but it sank before it even began. There are hints at sexual abuse but never confirmation. No one seems to be aware of getting help. Police are non-existent. The teenage girl develops a mutual understanding with the Woman apparently through her being pregnant, again never explained. I'm fine with not having my hand held, but when things get this convoluted, and there are several missing pieces to the puzzle, there seems little point in solving it.

It began interesting. The middle slowly, very slowly developed. Then there is a burst of excitement and race to the finish, but the last scene and the scene after the credits left me so confused that I couldn't imagine ever watching this ineffective experiment again.

The movie is nothing as advertised and would probably have been significantly better had it actually been about civilizing a "wild woman." I'm not giving it a negative review because it's advertised wrong. I'm giving it a negative review because it's garbage. If you're into plots that never quite develop and wish to see a woman tied up for two hours while the rest of the awkwardness continues then this is for you. It's not even so bad it's good. The only reason the movie might stick in your mind, is because you'll never be able to understand what it was you just watched or why.
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