Enjoyable if you quite like Pulp, probably great if you are a fan
18 July 2014
This easy-going film about the British band that seemed happy to keep things domestic is part concert footage, part "where are they now" and a little bit of "surely this is set-up" magic, centered around Pulp's final Sheffield concert in December 2012.

Most people will want to know if it would be good watch, even if they only sort-of like Pulp's music. Well I think it is. Pulp still sound very good in 2014 and it is refreshing to hear a band express sentiments that they actually live by. They are in many ways the antithesis of the fame-game which is hinted at which the various references to everyday working-class life, although the frequent references to "regular people" and the slightly self-conscious adoration of common people could be a little grating for some.

An off-the-cuff interview with some local siblings was a personal highlight, as were the sections with Jarvis alone, although I was left wanting more Jarvis one-to-one time as he comes across as a really interesting guy.

Like the band it's unpretentious and fun, with an underlying profound message. You'll probably enjoy this if you like Pulp and you'll probably adore it if you're a fan.
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