One Way Out (2002 Video)
21 July 2014
I watched parts and the ending. Glad I didn't watch anymore cause it would've been a total waste of time. I feel dumber from just the parts I did watch. If you want a good laugh just fast forward to the final scene and get a small bag of popcorn. It's like a lot of movie endings but just shot in the worst way possible. And once thankfully the movie is over your left wondering what the hell just happened. Did that really just happen. Let me go kill myself. Anyway Jason Bateman also doesn't fit in this movie at all. And him being a bad guy just doesn't fit. Are there any good guys in this film? It just seems like everyone is backstabbing each other. I don't understand what the one way out is all about either. Seems like there's a way out of the movie theater or the stop button on your DVD player. Don't waste your time. Please I'm warning you. Stay away from this film and watch the blues brothers.
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