Two botcher secret agents become involved into several troubles when they attempt to recover a powerful invention
3 August 2014
Funny flick plenty of offbeat characters , haunting mood-pieces , fun scenes and sense of style but not totally satisfactory , including conventional pitfalls . Entertaining picture, fundamental for lovers of "Comic" and "Tebeos" and it has the highest budget for digital special effects film in the history of Spanish cinema . A dangerous invention has been stolen to professor "Bacterio" (Janfri Topera) , it is a device that ends in the hands of a crazy dictator named "Calimero el Tirano" (Paco Sagárzazu), and ready to use it . The Head of the organization of counterintelligence T. I. A. (it stands for "Técnicos de Investigación Aeroterráquea", Technicians of Aero-ground Investigation. 'TIA' is Spanish for 'aunt', a joke on the U.N.C.L.E. series) : the Súper (Mariano Venancio) wants to recover it but he knows that it should not call Mortadelo and Filemón , so it sends the case to a boaster detective called Freddy Mazas (Dominique Pinon) so that recover the invention , but Freddy is bribed by the dictator Tirano . Two bungler agents decide to investigate the case for their own means , these agents are "Mortadelo" (Benito Pocino), and "Filemón" (Pepe Viyuela) . Along the way they go to 13 Rue Percebe where appears Rompetechos (Emilio Gavira). As the front of the building collapses, the interiors of the different apartments are just like those in "13, Rue del Percebe", another famous comic by Francisco Ibáñez.

This amusing film packs thrills , action , comic situations , tongue-in-cheek , surrealist comedy including conventional pitfalls and many other things . The adaptation to the cinema of the popular characters of Spanish comic of F.Ibáñez got a huge box office hit smash , grossing as one of the biggest successes in the history of Spanish cinema with more than 4,750,000 spectators and almost 22 million Euros . Plot of the film is based on comic stories 'El Sulfato Atómico', 'Safari Callejero', 'Chapeau el Esmirriau' and 'Valor y Al Toro'. After more than four decades entertaining through the comics, the most known couple of detectives are brought to life by means of the big screen . It was clear from the beginning the complexity to transfer a comic book to cinema ; however director Fesser gets a good rendition about our unforgettable memories of childhood. That is the major asset of this film, along with a beloved tribute to other characters of Ibáñez as the inhabitants of "13 Rue del Percebe" or "Rompetechos" . As the 13 Rue Del Percebe scene is based on an Francisco Ibáñez drawing which satirized Spanish society . Javier Fesser, without ostentatious means , gets to mingle some easily recognizable moments about the veterans agents of the "T. I. A. " with others of pure and exclusive comedy along with absurd events . The actors faithfully represent their characters and not to leave out of place the viewer at any time . Exaggerated accidents in a nonsensical world created by the great F. Ibáñez , embarrassing situations , the beating , shaking , falls, highlight sequences as when "Mortadelo" and "Filemón" trying to capture "El Matraca" , "Tirania" scenes..., all of them through some breathtaking special effects.

Magnificent production design by César Macarrón and colorful cinematography by Xavi Giménez . "La Gran Aventura de Mortadelo y Filemón " is undoubtedly a faithful as well as nicely representation of the comics of F. Ibañez in the big screen . Including self-homages : as near the end, at the parade, a poster on the wall says "Ibañez for President" , Francisco Ibáñez is the creator of the Mortadelo and Filemón cartoon characters . The motion picture was well directed by Javier Fesser , though he overdoes the same premise , the craziness and abstract humor carried out by the famous couple created by Francisco Ibañez . The film was the second job of Javier Fesser as director while maintaining the quality of his previous film, "El Milagro de P. Tinto". Fesser shows us that surrealist and absurd humor applied to the characters created by the great cartoonist and creator F. Ibáñez . Fesser has gotten translate the "comics" with all its details and adapt, at the same time, on his own ideas . It's a movie impossible to understand for those outside the comic and veterans readers of the former "Tebeos" in Spain . Writer/Actor/ Director Javier Fesser was born in 1964 in Madrid . He is a writer and actor, and along his brother Guillermo Fesser forms the Radio comical group ¨Gomaespuma¨ , both of them have written and directed some amusing films , such as : The miracle of P. Tinto (1998), Cándida (2006) and this ¨The great adventure of Mortadelo y Filemón¨ (2003)
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