Dust Devil (1992)
Strong Style Overwhelms Story in an Obtuse Horror Movie
12 August 2014
A bizarre horror movie about a devil in human form who hunts the Australian outback for victims on which to feed.

I give the movie credit for its compelling sense of style -- the filmmakers did not want this to be a run-of-the-mill slasher, and the material is treated far more seriously (and as a result effectively) than it might have been in any number of other versions. But that style is also part of the film's problem. It's so preoccupied with its artsy trappings that it never gets around to telling a compelling story. The narrative moves forward in confusing fits and starts, never grounding the audience thoroughly enough or for long enough at any one time to allow it to care much about what's going on. It does have a satisfyingly creepy ending, I'll give it that much, if you still care about it by the time it comes around.

Grade: B-
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