I Can't Believe It's Not Star Wars!
14 August 2014
Star Wars: A New Hope forever changed sci-fi in 1977. It influenced countless films to come...and inspired dozens of rip-offs. Starchaser is arguably the most shameless copy this side of The Man Who Saved the World. It's staggering. They "borrow" Luke Skywalker, Han Salo, Princess Leia, CP-30 (twice!), Darth Vader, Stormtroopers, the Millennium Falcon, and light sabers! Even its score is remarkably similar. Its completely derivative, and is just as shallow as its predecessor.

But...honestly? As far as rip-offs go...this is one of the better ones I've seen. The animation is pretty good (it was an early cartoon to use computer and traditional styles), it has enough action, and the acting isn't that bad. It also has quite a few ridiculous moments that separate it from George Lucas' vision. Just trust me, its pretty goofy.

When I first watched it, I was angry, because I thought it was supposed to be legitimately good. The ending was especially cheesy. But looking back, as a good bad movie, its pretty fun. Its funny, appealing, and campy. Something that a group can riff on without being infuriated. Its not "good", but when you're in the right mood, you might have a blast.
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