No Fun and THE Absolutely Dumbest Film of 2014
22 August 2014
I hate the fact that everyone is calling this a "comic book come to life" because, visuals aside, its idiotic cartoonish nature gives the genre an immature bad reputation. It's like stating that all comic books must be over-the-top and ridiculous.

This movie wants to be an exploitation romp film but even fails on that level. It's not fun, it's tedious and over stylized to the point of absurdity. It unintentionally slips in to self parody of the first film far too often. The pace is bad and actually boring for this type of effort because they can't even deliver cheap thrills unless you're talking the Eva Green scenes. The honest highlight of this film is Eva Green. Her performance and constant state of undress elevates the movie from completely unwatchable. Unfortunately, her case is concluded when the movie is only half over.

Like the first film, all this thing had to do was to deliver fun with its stupid. Instead all they delivered was the stupid.

BTW- anyone putting together the worst dialogue ever put to film has to include this laughably bad effort right at the top of that list.
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