Courrier Sud (1937)
La Petite Princesse
23 August 2014
Based on a novel by Saint-Exupéry .The famous writer,whose "Le Petit Prince" is French all time best seller ,with 100 million copies,speaks at the beginning of the movie:he praises the aviation pioneers ,without whom the flights would not be so comfortable in 1937 ,date of the movie.

Pierre Billon's directing is so-so and does not really rise to the occasion.The scenes in the desert,notably ,do not compare favorably with those of Duvivier' s "La Bandera " ;note that the bad rebel Arabs,like in the latter work ,are hardly seen and are called "Les Salopards" (=the sons-of-a-b......) There are two plots: French airmail service between France and Africa and a love affair between of their heroes (Pierre Richard -Wilm,handsome but bland)and an ambassador 's wife(Jany Holt).This man ,obviously older than her ,is so busy (it's altogether understandable on his part ,in 1937!)that he deserts her and treats her like a little girl,which she is anyway.Charles Vanel effortlessly steals the show from the two lovers.

The scenes in the guest-house,with the bad greedy landlady becomes ridiculous.

The documentary side is more interesting than the romantic interest.
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