Finally, a movie that tells the truth!
1 September 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I love pollution and don't care what I do to the environment, and when people see me littering or spraying pesticides, they shout at me and start their hippie lectures, it's highly pathetic and annoying. So I was trying to find a film that explained the other side of the global warming issue, and like this film says...

There is no 'global warming issue!' Global warming is a natural cycle, not caused by man but on its own, and this film has the scientific data to back this up. Not only is it informative but it is also not biased the way Al Gore's 'an Inconvenient Truth' was. Decide for yourself which one you'd rather be; uninformed environmentalist hippie fighting for a cause that isn't there, or an educated individual who learns that there are two sides to every story. This is an excellent film and it deserves a 10/10.
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