You call this sleaze??
20 September 2014
Egad, what's all the hubbub about this snore-fest? This movie may have passed for controversial or racy in 1967, but now it's just boring. It's somewhat interesting for the bad hair (not as bad as the 70's, however), but that's about all. The husband who is always pie-eyed is THE highlight, folks. He probably used "method acting", as he MUST have been actually drunk, it's that authentic. Lots of fully-clothed groping. Yawn. There are some really mouthy brats in it, reminding parents of today that this phenomenon is universally true in the past, present, and probable future. Some unexpected blood and guts would have been nice. After all, "Suburban Roulette" was directed by that early Master of Gore, Herschell Gordon Lewis. Maybe I watched an edited version. Where's the sleaze, anyway? I feel gypped.
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