The One With Faith...
8 October 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I love this episode. Mainly, because it's the first episode with Faith, who is one of my favorite characters in the entire show. Even when she turns evil.

In this episode, we meet Faith, another Slayer. Everyone realizes how another Slayer can exist, there was Buffy and then she died, then Kendra was called and she died, and now Faith takes Kendra's place. Anyway, a mysterious man, Mr. Trick, comes to visit the town of Sunnydale, looking for the Slayer. Everyone assumes he means Buffy, but it turns out that he means Faith. I love it when Mr. Trick goes through a drive-thru, in a limo, orders a Coke, and then eats the window-door worker. Buffy and Faith eventually face off against Mr. Trick's minions, and dust them all. Then Buffy finds out the real reason that Faith is here. Her Watcher was killed, and she fled from the vampire, who is so old, his hands and feet are cloven, by the way. Eventually, the two Slayer's team up and kill the old vampire, whilst Mr. Trick gets away. Faith and Mr. Trick become important and semi-permanent members of the cast.

Something else I love about this episode. The title. Did you know it has an actual reason for being called Faith, Hope & Trick? I found out that it is simply the names of three characters who make their first appearance in this episode. Faith Lehane, Scott Hope and Mr. Trick.

Overall, I give this episode a 10 out of 10.
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