Star Trek: The Next Generation: Symbiosis (1988)
Season 1, Episode 21
Pushing the Prime Directive to the limits.
11 November 2014
Warning: Spoilers
This episode of "Star Trek: The Next Generation" is one that pushes the Prime Directive to an extreme. In this case, the Enterprise becomes involved with two societies--two that are locked in an inextricable trade relationship. One planet provides a needed drug and the other planet will do just about anything to get it---and it's been this way for over 200 years. The problem is that although folks THINK the drug is to cure some space illness, there is a secret the drug providers aren't telling the other planet--the illness disappeared long ago and the 'medicine' is a super-refined and very addictive drug. So, in essence, the one planet is the drug dealer and the other planet is a planet of junkies. This is morally reprehensible and Doctor Crusher wants to put a stop to it. BUT, Jean-Luc is a firm believer in the Prime Directive--and doing anything would violate their non-interference laws. So, they can violate the Prime Directive or uphold it--neither of which is a good choice. So what's next?

This is a pretty decent episode. Not great but well done and worth seeing. The plot is a bit obvious but it is an interesting exploration of just how far the Federation MUST adhere to its basic values and laws.
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