A New Yearly Christmas Movie
19 November 2014
It's been a long time since there was a new Christmas movie that a family could watch year after year - this is one of those.

Each year at Christmas time I pull out the movies that I've accumulated throughout the years. To me they are the classics. I am adding A Christmas Tree Miracle to this collection. I'll be watching it every year.

A Christmas Tree Miracle is a movie to remind people how blessed they really are. This movie is about family. It is about looking beyond the material gifts that we are programmed to expect to receive. It makes you look into your heart, to appreciate the gifts that are there year round, family and friends. It helps to teach a lesson that many have forgotten - that Christmas is about giving, not receiving.

It might be termed pure schmaltz by some but to me it truly shows what people and Christmas are all about.

Take the time to watch it yourself .......
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