Predestination (I) (2014)
J-->J ---> J+J=J Because of J. OR "Which came first, the chicken or the egg?"
29 November 2014
Warning: Spoilers
***FULL SPOILERS AHEAD*** The plot of "Predestination" goes like this: An older John/Jane leaves himself/herself as a baby in 1945 at an orphanage, so he can become Jane who later circa 1963 will fall in love with ...herself as a time-traveler man and become pregnant with ...himself/herself and the baby is actually himself/herself that eventually will carried to the orphanage by the older version of himself/herself that I mention at the beginning!!!!! Oh! There is also a serial bomber who is...(again) himself/herself that works basically as an excuse for a facial reconstruction of John/Jane so some of the less suspected audience to not realize that ALL these characters are the exact same person right from the start.

OK! This movie tries to exploit the idea of time traveling in the most ridiculous way possible. It also adds to the mix the simplistic urban dilemma "Which came first, the chicken or the egg?" if you are willing to search for the initial event in this totally messed-up premise.

The writers/directors Spierig brothers are NOTHING like the Wachowskis (Matrix trilogy) and this plot is absurd even for the most well-intended sci-fi fans.

But there are even more problems with "Predestination".

The movie despite its relatively short length (around 90min) is boring. The narration lacks rhythm and its progression is abrupt so you catch yourself imagining 100 different (and more plausible) ways for this to evolve. Soon though, mainly because the key characters have their faces hidden, you starting to realize that the writers went for the full "surprise": i.e. All the characters are the same person. Ethan Hawke is the girl, the man, the baby and the bomber! 5 for the price of 1. (or 2 because John/Jane is also represented by Sarah Snook).

Overall, don't be fooled by some critics. This isn't a good movie. It's not entertaining and it's not "mind-blowing" because you can suspect what is happening after the first 15-20 minutes.

There is no deeper meaning either. You can conclude that because the writers ended the movie right after the final "revelation" so to speak. That final "surprise" (5 = 1) it was all they intended for.
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