"Only little people call it stealing. Big people call it borrowing."
2 December 2014
Hokey but enjoyable RKO biopic of Jim Fisk, 19th century financier and crook. As with most historical biopics, this is more fiction than fact (especially the end). Actually, I'll say this is even more loose with the truth than the average historical biopic from the time. The story tells how Fisk (Edward Arnold) rises to financial success on a series of crooked deals with his two cronies (Cary Grant, Jack Oakie). Eventually he has a falling out with one of them (Grant) over a girl (Frances Farmer).

Edward Arnold is always worth watching and this is no exception. Cary Grant fans will likely be disappointed at his supporting role, which is more suited to a Patric Knowles type. Still, there are moments where Cary shines above the material. Such as the scene with the bratty actress where he tells her she's ugly. Jack Oakie and Donald Meek are fun comic relief. Of note for having one of the better roles of Frances Farmer's career. She's very good here and, if you don't know about her, you might wonder why she didn't go on to bigger & better things. Well, you should look up her story. It's very interesting and tragic. Overall, it's an entertaining movie. Goes on a little longer than it needs to and the romance stuff is blah. But solid performances and healthy doses of humor help. Worth a look if you're a fan of old Hollywood biopics.
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