A movie about adults, no matter their age
25 December 2014
The word „teen" is used in copious ways to describe this movie. And as much as it has its place when it comes to defining the main characters, at the end of it I felt as if I've watched a tremendously adult love story. One about care, about doubt, about overwhelming feelings, about responsibility, about basically all the things that a young person should not necessarily burden him- or herself with.

The two leads, Miles Teller and Shailene Woodley, carve out a spot in their careers with this film. I heartily believe that in the years to come more than enough people will associate these two with the characters (Sutter and Amy) that they've portrayed here. The late Roger Ebert equaled Miles Teller's qualities in this picture to the ones of John Cusack in and around the time of „Say Anything".

And yes, if you've cherished Cameron Crowe's directorial debut you will find yourself wrapped up in this tale. Both movies take their characters seriously and show them within a real context. A life around people who are all trying to keep things afloat.

Which takes me back to the „adult love story". Disillusion leads to keeping your emotions under wraps. The love that exists in the spectacular now is the one you let blossom devoid of any intellectual basis. Which makes it the purest, most necessary and mature way of falling in love. Since it goes against the grain of reason, which is where most people beyond their teenage years try to live and very often fail.

It may be called mature or adult to love with your intellect, but as Sutter observes so astutely: „I don't see what's so great about being an adult."

One of the answers to that could be, that as an adult you allow yourself to be a teenager with the clarity and calm of experience. Which is what Shailene Woodleys character might represent. The person who awaits her equal, to share in all the moments of wonder and compromise amidst the ever changing colors of a relationship.
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