Whiplash (2014)
An endlessly exciting and original cinematic experience which will leave you buzzing like a taut snare.
18 January 2015
For a sizeable chunk of the film's running time, aspiring jazz-drummer Andrew Neiman (Miles Teller) is caked in his own sweat and blood; battered and bruised from hours and hours of incessant practise, his blood drips onto the skin of the snare, and the cymbals are littered with beads of sweat – his sweat. Perhaps this is the best way of describing the film: by no means perfect, but uncompromisingly passionate and energetic.

I won't be too detailed in explaining what happens over the course of the drama as the film revels in its unpredictability. Besides you probably know the premise anyway. Just in case, Whiplash follows first year Shaffer Conservatoire student Andrew Neiman (Teller) in his quest for drumming supremacy. On the way he encounters big-band big-shot Terence Fletcher (JK Simmons) who recruits him as a drummer for his formidable studio band. What then plays out is almost a battle of wits, with Neimen building up immunity to Fletcher's foul-mouthed tirades and Fletcher increasingly being provoked, intentionally or otherwise, by Neimen's ever increasing confidence.

It portrays the teacher-pupil relationship as one of insurmountable hostility rather than encouragement, and JK Simmons clearly relishes the opportunity to let-rip some R. Lee Ermey-style ranting. If there are any weaknesses it's that first time (!) writer/director Damien Chazelle seems more comfortable with the musical set-pieces than at the human interaction, though even then a meeting between Neimen and love- interest Nicole (Melissa Benoist) is painfully well-realised, as is a family dinner scene. Clearly the film has no qualms with admitting that ultimately it is all about these moments of musical mayhem, and what wonderful moments they are, shot and edited with a ruthless and ferocious energy. It's an endlessly exciting and original cinematic experience which will leave you buzzing like a taut snare.

BLOG: https://thepictureinner.wordpress.com/
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