Blood Widow (2014)
You won't be floored, but you will enjoy the ride
18 March 2015
This is your average slasher, with a slightly unique killer. Overall Blood Widow hits the marks; annoying victim, no cellphones, and a drawn out back and forth of people being were they should not be. Those are the tropes of the genre.

Where Blood Widow excels is giving us an interesting killer, it's a woman! Okay this is not ground breaking new, but it is rare enough that it is worth noting. Also her costume is very interesting, and appealing to the eye.

The kills are all practical effects, and not CGI.that makes some things look a little cheesy, but it lends a bit of credit to the movie.

This movie gets it's grief, but I think it is worth a watch. The killer is all around interesting, and is fascinating to watch as she develops. The murder house is a good set, and the fact that the movie kept all of the effects practical make this movie stand out.
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