Review of Ax Men

Ax Men (2008– )
29 March 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I've watched about 6 or 7 episodes and had an unknown many playing on the TV while i did other things( just leave the TV on for noise). I actually have to stop what im doing to turn the show off when it comes on now cause its drives me nuts.

The drama on this show is annoying at the very least. The lack of safety is appalling. The lack of common sense is astounding. I know a few loggers and i don't know ANY that log remotely close to this. Granted they might log in some tricky and dangerous locations, but they also do some of the dumbest things that result in someone getting injured or almost getting injured.

For example on an episode i just watched craig rygaard ( a supposed 24 yr logging vet) put his foot on a running cable drum on one of the machines, apparently trying to fix some unseen problem( guiding the cable with his foot maybe? i don't know i wasn't watching that closely). Now one would think that he, being a vet with the machinery, would know better than put his foot on a drum that is actually winding cable. But he doesn't. His foot gets caught and it sucks his leg in. Now if this stupidity isn't enough it gets better... oh does it get better.

The machine, from your view looks like it would suck his whole body in.. I mean he got his foot wedged enough to suck his leg in so why wouldn't it keep sucking the rest of him in? Well it doesn't. Once he gets to a certain point it stops sucking him in. Then the operator( who is literally pretty much right in front of him) finally shuts it down and craig pulls his leg out( on his own) he talks about how bad of shape his leg is in. But he climbs down off said machine with relative ease( he made it look more effortless than climbing down with a sprained ankle remember this in a minute).

He gets off the machine and we get to see a close up of his leg. The pants aren't shredded, they aren't blood soaked, and he seems to have the pain tolerance of a dead man. The only noticeable damage to his pants? it looks like someone tore it about 6 inches up from the bottom. Hardly the damage you would expect for someone that just got their leg caught between moving steel cable on a drum and the machine its mounted on.

It gets better. The son, gabe, tells us that his knee is broken and like jello. Now i just watched said knee being used to climb down off a very large machine.

Ignoring the fact that its TV and they are going to make it into a big drama event, the fact that a 24 yr vet does something so ridiculously stupid just shows you how far they will go to create drama for ratings.

I work in an industry that is semi dangerous and i have for 20 years. Experience has made me both wiser and more cautious not flat out stupid. And stuff like this happens ALL the time on this show. Its absolutely ridiculous how "careless" and "unprofessional" the people on this show are.

If your going to make a show about a real job and put it on what use to be a reputable channel for actual knowledge then don't make it complete drama. History channel use to be one of my favorite channels. They use to have great shows now its mostly garbage like ax men.
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