An accurate depiction of being a teen today
11 April 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I didn't know what to expect when I first started watching the Sisterhood, and little did I know, I would be in for a surprisingly intriguing and emotional film. About halfway through, I thought it was just going to be another trashy movie, but I soon figured that would not be the case.

As a teen myself, I would say the film was a very accurate showing of teens today. The script and acting felt very real, and the real concept of the Sisterhood sounds like something even I would want to join!

(SPOILERS!) The confessions that the members of the group spill are realistic, sounding like things my friends and I would secretly think or do. Then there is the whole issue with Kara Hayward's Emily. A desperation for friends, or even more, followers on her blog, and a mind for revenge on an enemy prompts her to (SPOILERS AGAIN!) lie about what she sees at the 'cult' meetings in the woods. Again, something that would happen in real life. I can't recall another film, at least right now, with as accurate a portrayal of the emotions that occur to teens now.

Among all of them, I think the best character was definitely Mary. She was tough, and would fiercely protect her friends and keep her secrets. (SPOILERS) And while she did seem like a straight up b**** sometimes, she isn't afraid to show her sensitive, emotional side when she wants to.

All in all, a great movie that unexpectedly made me cry. Great acting from the girls, especially Georgie!
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