A Huey P. Newton Story (2001 TV Movie)
13 April 2015
3rd attempt to write à review. Trying too hard to catch you by the collar and look you in the eye and tell you this: I Witnessed what may be the greatest performance an actor has ever delivered. I Challenge you to find dialogue and délivery of this monstrous size task-life and views of a man, a time, an iconoclastic era that seeks revolutionary change to save ones people,by natural means -deliverance by birthing the idea, execution, calling, societal position, weight of opposition, weight of emotional psychological pain -delivered through the limits of language. Roger Gueneur Smith has been in a lot of films Spike Lee choice often. Even was in a daytime soap for a goodly stint.But he is smart. He chose I imagine a hero,of his an under clarified man certainly unknown to most in 2015 but shook this country never to be heard from again if the continued smashing down of the true American history of the 1960's plays on. I lived in the Village in 'late'60's when I read Ramparts magazine's script of the Chicago 7 trial pertaining to Bobby Seale-Huey Newton's co founder of The Black Panther Party. The Harlem chapter came downtown and spoke at a church in Washington Square. I had been in the south prior to NYC all through it and heard the message of revolution in the air. Smith, how meticulous and thorough his writing. But the physicality, the dialogue his vicious 'in the way but it's OK' chain smoking deliverance-his dance- man I wish this was getting over to you. The man Huey P. Newton is your friend
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