Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Surprise (1998)
Season 2, Episode 13
The One With The Demon Parts...
20 April 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I love this episode. It's so good. I love the idea of a dismembered demon, who when you connect the pieces, becomes an unstoppable killing machine, which cannot be destroyed.

In this episode, it's Buffy's seventeenth birthday and the gang has been encouraged by Giles to throw her a surprise birthday party at The Bronze. Buffy has been having nightmares about Angel, and Angel tries to make her feel better by saying that Drusilla and Spike are dead, when we, the audience, know that they in fact, survived. At the birthday party, they find a severed arm of a demon, who Angel explains, cannot be killed by any weapon and who is designed to destroy all good people and anyone with humanity. It is revealed that if Drusilla and Spike reassemble all of the body parts, that the demon will become whole again, and will just destroy anything and everything he can.

Fun Fact: Jenny Calendar was originally not meant to be a gypsy.

Fun Fact: This episode features Giles's second trip to The Bronze, which is a rare occurrence.

Fun Fact: The same actor who plays The Judge, also played Luke the vampire, in the first two episodes of Season 1.

Fun Fact: Originally, Harmony Kendall appeared in this episode, but due to time restrictions, her parts had to be cut from the episode.

Overall, I give this episode a 9 out of 10, which in my rating book is: Amazing.
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