Dog the Bounty Hunter (2003–2012)
23 April 2015
I have never watched an episode of this show until today. But after watching episode "Into the Jungle" I am glad and relieved that this show has been canceled and will not be watching any future reruns. I had watched Beth berate a man (not the fugitive targeted but another man living in a makeshift home, one of many, nearby) telling him he needed to move and proceeded to let him know that he is a "smart man" so her point was that there is no reason he should be "living like this". How horrible is that. First off Beth, your "encouraging words" towards that man does not benefit him but rather you (there is no compassion in your voice but rather irritation). Second, there are a lot of homeless people that are "smart" but intelligence does not escape someone from homelessness and poverty if we take into account affordable housing shortfall, house price increase and job layoffs. Your statement of "You're a smart man" is ignorant. Yes, these people have built their homes on FEDERAL LAND. However, how much better would it be as American citizens (and those that are not) to implement effective strategies to combat homelessness rather than to simply spew out "I am a TAXPAYER" and "This is FEDERAL LAND" from our mouths which Beth had done.

After watching that episode I went online to get more information about the show. Apparently the show took a hiatus back in 2007 after Dog had used racial slurs in a phone conversation with his son due to his son's girlfriend being black. Yeah... no more reruns and relieved this show is canceled.
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