Best thing one can do is stay away from San Andreas Quake
25 May 2015
Warning: Spoilers
The very existence of this movie hinges on the similar title of Dwayne Johnson's San Andreas. Frankly, this movie doesn't warrant the free advertisement, or any buzz at all as it is horrible beyond expectation. There is no coherency from the plot, abundance of terrible CGI, and awful screenplay just for shock value. It practically has no redeeming value.

Story follows a few people running around in earthquake, if one can call it story at all. The female lead is the typical soccer mom who has rigid expression, it's nigh impossible to determine whether she's smiling, cringing or having stare down with the camera man. Not to mention she does a lot of monologues, it's just eerie to behold.

Effect is ranging from 80s sitcom or exclusively bad video game. A bunch of flying debris will not fool anyone, and that's one of the better ones. At its worst, the movie depicts explosions like they are graphic from weather news as people on-screen moan from boredom. Since characters fool around and make stupid decisions for the sake of action, it's clear that they don't even try anymore.

Some of the scenes are laughably and incomprehensibly bad. It's also strange that it sometimes tries to pull off emotional scene while neither the acting nor the material is in any decent state to accomplish any sort of dramatic involvement. It focuses heavily on the parental and romantic relationship of the daughter, but they don't go beyond the script of lousy telenovela.

With amazingly awful production value and incredibly bad screenplay even for cheap knock-off, the best thing one can do is stay away from San Andreas Quake.
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