Deep Web (2015)
The Government vs Ross Ulbricht
1 June 2015
As someone who is very interested in current events, politics and world history, I'm somewhat ashamed to admit that I did not know anything about Silk Road or had even followed the trial of Ross Ulbricht.

Yes, I did read the headlines announcing the verdict but it was only after watching this fine documentary did I learn about the trial and the issues surrounding Silk Road and the charges against Mr. Ulbricht.

The "facts" are placed in context and many questions remain but what is presented in this film should be seen by all Americans and people seeking justice. This film is a must see even if it's only to get your footing on where Internet technology is heading and the dangers that lurk out there for all of us.

Again, this is a "must see film" and I implored everyone take the time to view this film.
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