Review of Hangover

The Alfred Hitchcock Hour: Hangover (1962)
Season 1, Episode 12
Slack Misfire
11 June 2015
Viewers expecting the usual Hitchcock trademarks may be disappointed. There's no suspense, nor guesswork, nor real plot, while an ironic ending is dropped in like an afterthought. Purvis (Randall) is a middle-class alcoholic, no falling down drunk here. Instead, the ad-man finesses his addiction behind a cocktail façade. Showing how this addiction leads to ruin amounts to the storyline, which unfortunately just unfolds rather than builds. Also, much is told through poorly blended flashbacks that muddy story progression instead of clarifying.

Randall, of course, is a natural for these white-collar types. Trouble here is his ad-man shows the addiction without the painful craving. Instead, liquor is always available, so we see inebriated behavior minus the empty craving. That's likely the fault of the script, and is especially glaring since the story's meant to be a warning. Then too, reviewer HEFILM is correct. There's considerable padding within the time frame, especially in Purvis's overdrawn stage presentation. Too bad 50's icon Mansfield's career is on the downgrade that she would accept such a marginal role a hundred lesser names could have filled. Then too, she was a much better actress than her ample measurements would suggest. Looks also like she's trying to reboot with that head-hugging blonde bob.

Anyway, the entry's heart is in the right place, but the narrative's poorly done, and certainly of questionable type for a Hitchcock episode.
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