Focus (II) (2015)
Poorly Constructed
11 July 2015
Ordinarily, I like to take my time writing reviews, looking for at least one interesting element to discuss. Focus won't be getting that respect from me. Its runtime was (mercifully, a little less than) two hours I will never get back.

I don't want to lay the blame with Smith or Robbie, who both do good work here. The issue has to do with construction. Simply put, the script fails to sell us on the movie's central romance, which appears to boil down to "you're fun to hang out with and to screw, so of COURSE we're soulmates." Without the foundation of a believable (or even comprehensible) relationship, this movie ends up being empty. In addition, the script meanders and doesn't really kick into high gear until over an hour in.

Bottom line: The charisma of its leads can't save it. Skip this!
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