This movie is terrible and an 80 minute long commercial
30 July 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Now, I loved Bionicles while I was growing up. Building and playing with them were one of my favorite past-times, so of course my little 7-year old self watched this movie on repeat while playing with the toys that were in the movie.

Now I'm 19 years old and watching this movie I have to say. This movie sucks.

This movie has NOT aged well. In fact this movie is bad enough to the point where if I had a time machine, I would go back in time and smack myself around for watching this stupid, stupid movie.

So let's start off with one major problem. The characters. No matter how you look at it there is not one character who gives a memorable performance or even one that is mediocre. They all feel very archetypal and mundane. The Toas all feel flat, Jalah and Tekuah (or however the hell you spell their names) have voices and actions that make you either want to beat your head against a wall or strangle something nearby.

Not to mention the boy who becomes the Toa of Light... is unworthy. If anything Jalah is more deserving of the title, he didn't falter and give up in his quest, he sacrificed EVERYTHING for his friend, and even paid with his life at one point (before they pulled a deus ex machina and brought him back) to save someone. What did Tekuah, the Toa of Light do? Beat Makuta in a game.

That's it. Truly a hero to go down in the history books.

The animation is sub par at best. The characters look accurate to their toys but they move about awkwardly and not as freely as they should. The constant use of slow-motion is an eyesore and gets old QUICK, and the battle scenes leave something to be desired. All the fights feel anti-climactic and like they have 20 minutes of better fighting footage but don't use it for God knows what reason.

It's a shameless plug to sell more toys. But even that's not an excuse for this poor excuse for a film. We saw the same thing with Ninja Turtles and Transformers, but those at the very least had likable characters with an increasingly interesting storyline, especially with the films. This? This is just bad. And I mean BAD.

So please. Play with some Bionicles if you want to have some fun, they're really cool. But for the love of everything that is holy don't watch this movie. It's really, really bad.
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