Iconoclast (2010)
A docu made with Windows 98! Edgy! Satin!
11 August 2015
One day, in a hundred years, people will realize that "underground" is not synonymous with "quality". As for now though, guys like Boyd Rice rule the weak with his tepid swill of woman- hating, race-baiting, and artsy pretensions stolen from (insert pretty much every Euro art movement here). Ergo Boyd Rice- a guy who believes that rape is the only way to put women "back in their place" (a POV never discussed in this docu), a man who believes that the weak and infirm (read: defective) be disposed of (whose only son is missing a chromosome and will never be able to live on his own, also never discussed in this docu) as well as his views on race (which he eloquently spoke of on Tom Metzger's "Race and Reason", a well-known "white pride" public access show, also not discussed in this docu)...... absolutely nothing is learned of Boyd's real feelings on damn near anything other than pop culture totems like tiki and Tiny Tim. Spread out over two dvds and exhibiting the most ridiculous font-selection and editing style not seen since 1998, its so poorly made and so cheesy that its almost a joke in itself. Did the maker of this docu secretly hate Boyd, and just wanted to present him like a booby with no Deep Thoughts to offer, so how about that record collection? Dunno. I know Boyd Rice isn't as funny as he thinks- his "pranks" consist of throwing bananas at people asleep in hotel rooms- really? You got called an agent provocateur for THAT? Seriously? Fact is, if Boyd Rice had grown up in Alabama surrounded by racists, he would have turned into the swishiest drag queen ever, but no, who grew up in California, so he had to really step outside the box to be DIFFERENT. And that's the whole score, here, folks. In a nutshell. He just likes to make people mad. But, as mentioned before, as to the quality of this depiction, god, its TERRIBLE. TERRIBLE. A 14 year old girl looks like she edited this. And that is insulting to 14 year olds. Goes too long, edits in the worst place possible, and the fonts? THE FONTS. Its like someone have the filmmaker a free set of 30 year old Angelfire style fonts and he just went to TOWN with em. I wish he had never came back.

Anybody who calls this a masterwork, regardless of your feelings for ol' Boyd, needs to watch at least one other film ever, because obviously, they haven't a clue. Seriously? I have seen movies made by high schoolers in a day that had more atmosphere, better editing, and more engaging subjects. In that respect, Boyd and whatssisface deserve each other.

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