Any Day (2015)
The first 3/4 I liked....then it really fell apart.
12 August 2015
Normally, I'd hesitate to review a film like Any Day. After all, I really don't recommend you watch it because the ending will most likely annoy you and let you down. But the first 80% of the film is so good and shows so much promise and I do want to see more from these folks.

Sean Bean plays Vian, an angry man who just spend 12 years in prison for beating a man to death in a fight. Now he has no place to live, no job and no prospects. His only family, his sister is afraid to allow him back in their lives--especially since she has a young son. Despite her better judgment, she does allow him to stay...provided he never drink and gets his life together. Through much of the film, Vian works hard to have a semblance of a life and you really pull for him. After all, the character is well written and Bean and the rest of the cast did a great job. Unfortunately, what follows REALLY frustrated me...with an unnecessary and unbelievable twist that most likely will leave the audience frustrated for buying into the film and pulling for the guy. I would say more, but it would give away too much of the plot.

On the plus side, the directing is wonderful--very stark but never boring and well-paced. The acting, also, is terrific as is the music--which is often haunting. But it really looks like they didn't know how to end this one. One thing for sure, they made the wrong choices and the movie left me and my wife wondering what could have been had they known where to take it. It's all a shame, as if it had been written well throughout the film, I would have given this one an A-. It DOES have a lot going for it despite it's ending and crazy plot twist.
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