Vertigo (1958)
A Thriller for Today
13 August 2015
Vertigo is one of the perfect examples of a film that will always stand the test of time and one that should never be remade. Alfred Hitchcock is a genius and has many excellent films under attached to his resume. Psycho is the one synonymous with his name but Vertigo is arguably his best directed piece.

Scottie Ferguson (Jimmy Stewart) is a retired detective who dwells over a failed case. An old friend, Gavin Elster (Tom Helmore), goes to Scottie and asks him to investigate his wife, Madeleine Elster (Kim Novak), who he thinks is cheating on him. Scottie accepts with the hope this will allow him to put the past to rest, but it turns into a twisted obsession that engulfs him.

This film was glossed over at the Academy Awards in 1959. But today the film will always stick out for its directing, the superb screenplay, and the amazing performance of Jimmy Stewart. These factors make this film a classic and give it top shelf status even still, today.

Vertigo sets the bar for a lot of thrillers today and many directors and writers have taken lessons and paid homage to this film. If you haven't seen this film yet, don't read anything about it. Go into the movie and get lost in where the story takes you.
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