Any Day (2015)
Excellent actor (Sean Bean) TERRIBLE movie
14 August 2015
Sean Bean- I have to give credit as he is a sensational actor, and he was in this film too. He performed fantastically in his role, but it wasn't enough to make this anything other than a really crappy let-down of a film. And here we learn the importance of a good screenplay........

Three well known actors (and only one of them 'good' as far as I'm concerned) make up the leading roles in this movie but I'm worried that it only served to illustrate that they were only good in the roles they were most known for and have little else to offer? I'd hate for that to be true......... (I'm STILL not ready for Ned Stark to be dead.... I can't let it go..... :) :) :) ) I watched this movie while working on an art project but would never have been able to suffer through the entire thing if I wasn't otherwise occupied. Nothing redeemable about the film at all.

Don't bother....... just be sad with the rest of us that Ned Stark is gone........ no matter what Sean Bean appears in, it's never going to make that suck less. :)
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