Just as Good the Second Time
23 August 2015
Demetri shares his latest set of low-key yet surreal observations on life and language, including: signs, pets, the origin of cheese, hot dogs, footballs, tandem skydiving, hamster-chucking, fitted sheets, elevator faux pas, prune juice, the aerodynamics of crackers, the quantification of educated guesswork, the tribulations of salads, the unique rejective qualities of volleyball, the sneakiness of color schemes, the general uncoolness of indoor sports, the management of fart jokes, the happiness of folks and nope, abracadabra versus please, business versus beeswax, parent/child resemblances in the alphabet, shoe store mirrors, expiration dates, and the proper temperature of regards.

Saw the show in Madison, Wisconsin a couple weeks before the special was taped. It is very interesting to see a tour before the special, to see what jokes get thrown out, which get improved, and what else may happen. Practically nothing in this special was new from what we saw, but the best part is that some of the weakest bits were cut out. This makes the final product a couple minutes shorter, but just as funny (or funnier) the second time hearing it.

My only complaint (and I may be in the minority here) is I wish the few "adult" jokes were removed. Not that they are not good jokes, but it seems out of sync with the brand of humor Demetri has made himself known for. He excels at quirky observations and grammar / language jabs. Venturing into sex-themed territory is risky. He also seems to have begun wading in racial humor, but for some reason I find that okay...
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