Entertaining enough and visually pleasing
29 August 2015
A worthy effort for a low-budget movie from a Christian production company. It's a bit uneven at times in terms of dialogue and performances. It is visually pleasing, and held our interest. My wife loved it. It has something of the flavor of Last of the Mohicans, but not as professionally executed. The latter portion seems a bit anti-climactic until the very end, which is moving.

As something of a history buff, I've read quite a bit about this fascinating period in colonial history. Things are portrayed a little simplistically, of course, as almost all movies do. While I cannot speak to the details of Native American culture portrayed in the film, it certainly softens the barbarity of these tribes against their enemies, and especially captives. Burning people is about as cruel as they get in the film, but reality could be much, much worse than that. Torture was something of a form of entertainment then. The film portrays the Delaware as real people, however. Some more inclined to brutality than others. Their chief is presented as a wise leader. Almost all the English government officials are portrayed as fools, especially in scenes with the founders (Col. Washington and Dr.Franklin make brief appearances).

Not a great film, but for what it is and what it cost, it succeeds rather well. Families should enjoy it.
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