If you want to grab money & power, SCARE people...
30 September 2015
This film is incredibly logical.

Follow the money--this "climate change" fraud (note how it morphed from "global warming" when empirical evidence showed the earth in a cooling trend) is enriching the few at the expense of the peoples of the planet.

Don't mistake me for some right wing zealot either, I'm a person who vociferously believes in not wasting resources or polluting the planet. I haven't had trash service for about 18 years because I recycle virtually everything, drive an electric car, designed & built my own passive/active solar home.

Al Gore is the ultimate hypocrite. At the time of filming, he was living in a mansion in Tennessee that consumed 28 times the energy of other homes in his neighborhood, buying "carbon offset credits," and flying private jets around the globe to grandstand with a Nobel Prize--makes me wanna puke. "Carbon offset credits?!" That is a colossal WTF where any logical person comes from...

And finally, most of the argument for "climate change" is based on static analysis. The world is changing rapidly and technology and innovation will NATURALLY render many of the pollutants obsolete in the future, without massive governmental control and manipulation. If the government wants to steer than innovation, there is a fantastic alternative to their current folly of "picking winners and losers" (a euphemism for crony politics) and that is:

Create bounties or prizes for the entities that solve the puzzles of helping make this a better planet. What is a billion dollar prize for a desalination technology or fuel cell in the grand scheme of governmental waste and corruption? You get no reward unless you make some positive change and can prove that you've built a better mousetrap!
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