Moving Up in the Criminal Organization
23 October 2015
Nifty premise—two hit men are assigned by the same employer outfit to kill each other, the survivor getting to move up in the criminal organization. It's also done to improve business "efficiency" by cutting unneeded employees. Then too, I get the feeling screenwriter Hayes is having fun showing how principles from legitimate business carry over to criminal enterprise. Looks like there's padding in some of the talk scenes extending beyond the narrative point. The on-screen ending is unusually uncompromised; that is, until Hitch comes to the scale balancing rescue.

In the pivotal role, Cassidy is cast against type. He's really best in comedy roles where his natural charm can shine. Here there's too little of a hit-man's needed menace. Still, there're some good touches—Cassidy taking over enjoyment of the TV ball game from guy he's just killed; the pixieish Lane popping up from behind a sandbar; Cassidy's goofy hipster persona even if unbelievable. All in all, the material has more potential than the execution, and I suspect, would have worked better as a half-hour entry, as another reviewer points out.
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