Ash vs Evil Dead: Books from Beyond (2015)
Season 1, Episode 3
Ash vs Eligos
30 November 2015
I like the way this show starts – you get a quick recap of what's what, before the series thrusts you into the action – much like the beginning of Evil Dead II.

In this episode Ash, Kelly and Pablo (who keenly names the group "The Ghost Beaters") head to the store where Ash originally brought the book from. We are treated to some interesting mythology here, as the creation of the Necronomicon is explained to us.

Ash has the clever idea of releasing a demon from the book to ask him to explain how to get rid of all the chaos and destruction that is going on. Needless to say it doesn't turn out as he hoped, and the team is left to fend off Eligos, one of the creepiest looking creatures I've seen on TV is some years. The effect on the creature are superb - really movie level stuff. And if you look carefully after Kelly bashes him on the head with the Necronomicon, he'll probably be back soon.

A mysterious new character, Ruby Knowby, is introduced. She's clearly up to something (though I hope the actress playing her improves in the coming episodes).
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