JonTron (2010– )
My favorite review show
19 December 2015
This is hands down the best review show online. Not only does Jon go out of his way to find the most obscure games possible, going so far as to dig into the sticky depths of Vietnamese bootlegs, but he encourages us to not only a laugh at the terrible quality of these games but develop a feeling of appreciation for the people who made them become a reality.

Why did Beat Takashi make Takashi's Challenge, a game of such absurd difficulty that the only way to win is to watch the Japanese TV commercial he made for the game, which included an important clue? What the heck is Nightshade? Why is it so awkward to play and what were the creators thinking with the bizarre design choices? Why is China so obsessed with loud aggressive background music? Why does Italy have an obsession with animated Titanic movies with talking animals? Jon asks the real questions.

It doesn't hurt that Jon Jafari comes across at that ubiquitous "ideal best friend" we all wish we had. He has that magical something that makes you want to buy a bunch of tacos and just hang out with him for hours, as opposed to many reviewers who make you either want to punch them for being smug or turn off after five minutes for being obnoxious.
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