The Shunned House (2003 Video)
Wow, seriously?...
31 December 2015
I sat down to watch this movie given its alleged Lovecraftian nature, but wow, are you kidding me? I have never seen anything of this magnitude before. This was one big mix of random scenes thrown together incoherently, and director Ivan Zuccon attempted to pass this off as a Lovecraft movie adaptation. Yeah, the Dreamlands are not waiting for more of your input.

This movie was brutal to witness and was plagued by an amazingly annoying and repetitive music score that sounded like opera being played backwards. And it was playing for so much of the movie that it became an irritation that just dragged down this disastrous movie even more than the story and direction was doing.

I will say that the acting in "La casa sfuggita" (aka "The Shunned House") was adequate, but nothing particularly noteworthy.

"La casa sfuggita" should not have been Associated with the written works of H.P. Lovecraft, because this movie just, well let's be honest, stunk to high heaven.

I gave up 35 minutes into the movie. I just couldn't suffer through this piece of artistic rubbish any further.

If you are a fan of Lovecraft and the cosmic dread of his mythos, then do yourself a favor and stay clear, very clear, of "La casa sfuggita". It should, as the English title fittingly suggests, be shunned.
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