11 January 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I do enjoy Hindi films but usually ones pre-1965; I haven't really seen a post-1965 Hindi film I cared too much for. I dislike that most of the films (minus the pre-'65 Hindi films) I enjoy that has the main setting of India are non-India films. They're made by Great Britain or the United States etc., When I do watch post-1965 Hindi films I really do try to go in open-minded; I tell myself: "This'll be different...hopefully.".

The first three minutes gave me a headache. Not because it was awful but the unnecessary camera angles. I thought: " Maybe it's a comedy?" Checked: nope -- not a comedy. Picture this. A straight down crane shot. A couple of guys get out of a vehicle in a massive crowd, then it sways down to a front shot of their faces, and you see about three men on each side of the two men -- you know those explosion scenes where the gung ho guy (like Schwarzenegger or Stallone) walks and there's a huge explosion behind them? It was like that but without the explosion.

Second thing that bothered me was the music (the composition). It was like the build up in a thriller or horror film...oh! like on Law & Order where the guy's going to give it up and they have that build up of music -- it was like that but nothing came after the build up.

While I enjoy the singing, and maybe it's a Hindi thing (I don't know), I still do not understand the inserted music videos. This is one of the main reasons I enjoy pre-1965 Hindi films -- no music videos. Hey, the songs are good (and in this film: probably the only thing good), I just don't get them.

I mean, before the first one this guy is being slapped repeatedly in the face but then a few minutes later the music video comes on and he's all smiles! What's up with that?

The story itself read like an after school special: by the numbers. Nothing really over-the-top, that I could tell and apparently it dealt with a real story. The problem with that was either there were too many stories or the one they had seemed convoluted.

Someday I will see a post-1965 Hindi film (without music videos) that I will rate more than 6/10. Today is not that day.

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