My Daughter, Anne Frank (2015 TV Movie)
Wonderfully Intimate
12 January 2016
This film is a must see for anyone interested in the subject of the Holocaust, and Anne Frank. From the early days of the crisis in Europe, up through her tragic end, this film brings us into the intimate world of a young girl facing the fears and anxieties of a situation she cannot control. Well acted and well directed, this docudrama vivifies the flight of the Frank family, her difficult relationship with her mother Edith and the stricken community in the hiding on Prinsengracht 263. Otto learns how Anne really saw their everyday life in the secret annex, constantly being threatened by detection. How lonely and alien Anne often felt. He begins to transcribe the diary. Doing this Otto Frank has to realize how little he knew about his daughter Anne. It is the beginning of a throwback. Densely dramatized feature scenes, documentary and archive material, new and surprising interviews with her companions constitute the film elements that will allow MY DAUGHTER ANNE FRANK to get the audience close to Anne herself and her story. Embedded into the words of Anne's diary, we evocate her fears, dreams, love and longings, her vision of a possible future, and the reality of a sudden end.
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