The moments of high suspense work, troughs between the waves not so much
12 February 2016
Warning: Spoilers
The main story worked well. The action scenes and effects were great. I found it quite suspenseful.

The attempts to wring every last bit of emotion out of the quieter character moments were sometimes forced and made me want to shout at the screen, "So get on with it!"--Like the moment when all the freighter crew are aboard the rescue vessel and Casey Afleck is asking Chris Pine if he knows the way back to shore and Pine's explaining to him, "Well the wind was coming from my left on the way out, so I figure if I keep it to my right I'll be heading back in and if we just look out for some lights. . . " Which seems like a reasonable enough plan. However, in the meantime, some of these men have actually fallen overboard and must be dying of hypothermia but Captain Pine stands there brooding over the helm with the boat's motor idling, discussing his plan instead of JUST GETTING ON WITH IT. You can talk and drive at the same time, right Chris . . ? Same with a lot of scenes with fishermen huddled over coffee mugs telling us how dangerous it is to be out there on the water on a night like this instead of just getting the camera out there and showing it (which eventually the movie does; it just takes its sweet time about it).

SPOILER ALERT: So, was anyone else bothered by the fact that, as the rescued freighter crew climbs, one by one, off the rescue boat and onto the dock that they all (with the exception of Pine) appear to be BONE DRY? I mean, some of these crewmen were actually overboard, floundering in the ocean, just a half an hour earlier. And it's been snowing ever since.

So how did they dry off in an open boat? An open boat that, by the way, appears to have the abilities of a submarine in a few scenes. How does an internal-combustion engine run underwater like that? Without air?

Could've used one of those on the freighter.
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