Review of Any Day

Any Day (2015)
Muddling through
13 February 2016
Fighting Demons starts out interestingly enough but quickly treads a well worn path and soon goes into heavy handedness and banality.

Sean Bean is Vian a former boxer released from 12 years in jail for beating a man to death. On his release, he is unwanted in his old boxing gym and his single mom sister reluctantly allows him to stay with her young son with the proviso that he does not drink and stays out of trouble.

Vian tries to pull his life back together as an ex-con, he gets a job in a diner, he gets on well with his boss (Tom Arnold) and even gets a girlfriend (Eva Longoria) who seems to be stalked by a rival suitor which the film never delves in.

Things seem to be going well, Vian get tempted to drink every now and then but he resists however his nephew is involved in an accident which causes distress, he falls out with his boss because Vian does want him to date his sister for no reason at all and his girlfriend finds out that he has done time.

The film also has some Christian spiritual undertones in the movie and it all dissipates with a weak finish about trying to find redemption for his crime.

As a minor low key film it is well acted although Sean Bean is clearly too old for his character.
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