Review of The Canal

The Canal (2014)
a modern "the shining"
25 February 2016
Warning: Spoilers
The Shining is a sure inspiration and influence on the story, we have also a married couple with a male child moving into a haunted home where a terrible murder once took place by a husband who killed his cheating wife and kids. David (Evans) gets the same taste of poison when he finds out his wife Claire is cheating on him and then she ends up dead in the canal, supposedly drowned. We get a fair share of psychological horror mixed with bits of a ghost story ala The Ring with some elements of found footage but in this case, David shoots those footages and imagines the ghosts.

Subtle direction on Kavanagh's part with creepy and eerie slow zoom ins and just plain fixed shots for an extended time and exquisite compositions layered with nice color schemes of blue, gold, and red and flavored with insane and psychotic violin music.

Constrained chills and scares are scattered well throughout the movie until the story goes full throttle towards the end with thrilling scenes especially in the canal where his abhorrent-faced wife Claire covered with mud and sewer stuff all over gives birth and chases David with his son in his arms.

The sharp editing and sound editing especially where they are used as transitions between scenes add to a lot of effect to the movie replacing the clichéd sudden jerks and bangs and appearances of certain things that is usually found and incorporated in horror movies.
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