Never has "Wackyland" been more Germaine . . .
11 April 2016
Warning: Spoilers
. . . to the American Political Scene than right now, in 2016. As the Nazi Party's Overture for World War Two was winding up, Warner Bros. issued PORKY IN WACKYLAND as their long-term forecast for America's Future if the U.S. Id, historically referred to as the "Confederate States," but more inclusively dubbed as Today's "Red States," ever gained the Upper Hand in a Presidential Election Year (as Adolph the Looney Tuner had in the Deutschland of 1934). Warnologist's will note Porky's descent here into a drab Black & White World, cluttered with Racist Nonsense (such as the one-man band) and sexual confusion (embodied by the She-Male Goon). This week, USA Today ran an editorial cartoon depicting one of North Carolina's new "Who-Who" Inspectors athwart the entrance to a Public Ladies' Powder Room there (though the spelling of the NC Gestapo chick's title may have been slightly different in the cartoon). For thousands of years, Civilization had no problems with Birth, Death, Love, Sex, Marriage, and Going to the Bathroom. But the ever-clairvoyant Warner Bros. sniffed out a day when a third of America would be totally Looney Tunes in Wackyland!
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