Flawed, very entertaining solid third sequel an epic conclusion to the original trilogy!
28 April 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Star Wars: Episode VI – Return of the Jedi (1983) is a third sequel in the original Star Wars trilogy it is flawed, yet very entertaining solid third sequel and an epic conclusion to the original Star Wars trilogy. Honestly in my opinion Return of the Jedi is far way better film than The Force Awakens, that movie was a disaster and it sucked, I rather watch this movie any time. It is not my favorite film in the series and I don't love this movie that much like I love the first two movies, but I like it and it think it is very good at some points. The film has a lot of problems, that hurts the movie. I still have enjoyed this movie and I had a lot of fun. Return of the Jedi (1983) is directed this time from Richard Marquand a different director than it was directed from Irvin Kershner and George Lucas. This movie was released on the same year that I was born in 1983. The film is pretty good on it is own way, but on the other thing it suffers from problems and flaws.

Things I like in this movie: The first hour is set back on planet Tatooine which is a rescue mission which I like, the story is set where the first movie begins and ends here.

Jedi Knight Luke Skywalker, Chewbacca, Lando Calrissian, Princess Leia Organa, C-3PO, and R2-D2 return to Tatooine to rescue Han Solo (who was encased in carbonite at the end of Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back) from the gangster Jabba the Hutt (voice: Larry Ward).

A battle on ship, with Luke steadily taking the fight to Jabba's men. During the battle, Leia strangles Jabba to death with the chain around her neck and with R2-D2's help escapes from her bonds. The heroes destroy the ship, kills the bad guys and save Han solo. I love the explosion, the rescue and than they are all save.

I love that we find out from ghost of Obi-Wan "Ben" Kenobi (Alec Guinness) that Leia (Carrie Fisher) is the sister of Luke ( Mark Hamill). I love that Luke revels to Leia that she is his sister.

I like the battle on the Endor, Leia, Han, Chewbacca, C-3PO, R2-D2 and Ewoks are battling Stormtroopers to destroying the shield generator for the second Death Star and they do the destroy it. Lando and his assault team destroys the deaths tar on the end.

Luke face Darth Vader and the evil Emperor and fights both of them, while they where both trying to bring him on a dark side of the force to join them.

I love when Vader toys with the notion of turning Leia to the dark side, Luke gives in to his rage and furiously gains the upper hand in the battle, slicing off Vader's right robotic hand in a rage in one swift cut, and makes his father succumb to defeat at the mercy of his son's blade.

Realizing that Luke cannot be turned, the Emperor uses Force lightning against him to torture and attempt to kill him. Deeply affected by the sight of his son dying before him, Vader repents and turns on the Emperor, throwing him down a reactor shaft to his death.

Luke try's to save Anakin but he dies before he could save him.

I feel that Luke's transition from a teenager to calm and collected warrior of the Force feels very authentic. His conflict between Darth Vader and the Emperor contains some of the best scenes in the entire saga.

Things I don't like: The film has a few problems that are really unnecessary and I really hate it:

This movie's biggest flaw is the pacing, the Ewoks and their role in the film. Star Wars been in a forest, aren't Star Wars suppose to set in the Galaxy and not in the forest? Personally I don't mind the Ewoks, but their introduction causes the movie comes to a screeching halt. Another fault of this movie is its attempts at humor. It feels often unnatural and forced a lot of the time. The Phantom Menace has been notorious for having this problem as well, but they most likely originated here.

Master Yoda dies in this film! Why? Watching Yoda in the prequels I have really enjoyed him much more than I have watching him in the last two movies. Little guy grove up in to my heart. So I disagree about him dying.

I am giving this movie an 8, I watch A New Hope and Retun of the Jedi on TV as a kid I don't remember watching The Empire Strikes Back, but I have saw those tow movies and still I like Return of the Jedi a lot.
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