What beautiful film!
5 May 2016
The animation was lovely (it's been a while since I've seen a new animated film).

It took me 10 minutes or so to get stuck into the style (mostly as I don't watch many animations these days), but I soon began to really appreciate the animation flow, textures and in particular the camera positions and lighting which were both really interesting, creative and important to the story in places.

The story itself is simple yet also very rich and moving, with educational messages that everyone should be able to take something from. It's definitely a film that everyone can enjoy: both children and adults. Some moments really struck an emotional chord within me... tears welled up at one point!

Is the story traditional? Have other films been made based on the same story?

I also enjoyed the music, both the soundtrack and the use of "popular style" songs. These took me surprise at first, and I felt sceptical at hearing them... but actually they worked really well, and by the end I was really enjoying their use.

When I have children I hope this will be a film they will love and enjoy, and take with them through to adulthood in the same way that I still have fond memories of some films I watched repeatedly as a kid.
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