Simpl (very simple), but entertaining.
19 May 2016
I am very surprised that the rating on this show is so high. It is probably due to the ones reviewing are weirdos, like me. I like a simple show. It doesn't need a weekly budget of 1.7 million dollars to be entertaining. Or a cast of 12 highly paid actors/actresses. But this show seems to have a weekly budget of around $173.00 and a cast of a very few, little known people. And most of the budget goes to the catering staff! And the people in charge of the cutting room should be fired! (Yes, I know it is made that way too feel cheap!) No, really, this show is really entertaining to the Tim and Eric crowd. T&E had Dr Brule on one of their shows. If you do not like T&E, you won't like this. BTW...We need to get some new T&E shows! PLEASE!!!
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